Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bradford John

Contractions started around 1:30 Sunday afternoon, we were on our way to Walden Pond because it was hot and we wanted a swim. We talked about turning around but Sue insisted so off we went. Following a good swim, ice cream and a trip to the farm (still contracting by the way) we went home to cook supper, but the contractions started to intensify and Sue didn't eat much as she walked around and made sure the cameras battery was charged and she has a fresh pair of socks packed. Madilyn and I were minding our own business eating dinner then cleaning up when Sue told me she was going to take a shower - this is when I knew she was serious so I started to plan with Madilyn what may be in store for the night. Sure enough by 8:00 we were making phone calls to get people here to take care of Madi and we were off to the hospital.

After a sleepless night at MGH and a rather dull day in the labor and delivery ward (save a neighbor who screamed bloody murder for a while) the contractions really started to roll around 2:00, at 4:30 Sue gave birth to Bradford John who weighed in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and measure 20 inches long. Mother and baby are recovering nicely.


Jim O'Connell said...

Congratulations!!! You all must be so happy (and tired!!!) Love the name.

Viking said...

Wonderful news. I'm so happy for you all. I'll pass on the news to Korea. Looking forward to meeting the new Corvi!